Intake and waiting lists

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Intake and waiting lists

If your organisation has a formalised intake process, you will find the Waiting List function useful.



A Waiting List record is created in the same way as you would create a client Advocacy record, using the process detailed in Step 2 - the New Client Advocacy Issue screen (but opting for the Waiting List button).



Once the record is created, you can view it through the Waiting List toolbar button.



Intake and waiting lists button



You can create file notes for a Waiting List record and edit other data just as you do for Client Advocacy Issues.



In addition to being able to print client summaries and file note, as you can for Client Advocacy Issues, with Waiting List records you can also print a Waiting List report:



Intake and waiting lists print report button



A Waiting List report lists all records that are pending a decision, to be taken to an intake meeting, and is structured with a separate page for each record, with space for written comments, decisions made, etc.



In the same way that you can update activity status of  Client Advocacy Issues, you can change the status of Waiting List records:



Intake and waiting lists Status link



If you change the status of a record to 'Accepted', Ivo creates a new Client Advocacy Issue record for you, based on the data already provided for the Waiting List record.  Ivo  also gives you the option of carrying over any file notes that were created against the Waiting List record, to the new Client Advocacy Issue record.